
中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则实施办法 (附英文)

发布时间:2014-07-28 10:44  来源:山东贸促网    字号:[ ]

【颁布单位】 对外经济贸易部

【颁布日期】 19920401

【实施日期】 19920501

第一章 总 则

  第一条 根据《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》,为加强中国出口货物原产地证明书(以下简称原产地证)签发的管理工作,特制定本办法。

  第二条 中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部(以下简称经贸部)对全国出口货物原产地工作实施统一监督管理,并负责与外国政府和国际组织关于原产地规则的谈判及有关原产地规则协议的签署工作。 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外经济贸易主管部门负责协调本行政区域内的出口货物原产地工作。

第二章 签发机构

  第三条 中华人民共和国国家进出口商品检验局(以下简称国家商检局)设在地方的进出口商品检验局(以下简称商检局)、中国国际贸易促进委员会及其分会(以下简称贸促会)以及经贸部指定的其他机构签发原产地证。 各签发原产地证机构应将其名称、印章、授权签证人员姓名报经贸部,并由经贸部根据需要通告国外有关部门。

第三章 申请资格

  第四条 在中华人民共和国境内依法设立,享有对外贸易经营权的企业,从事“来料加工”、“来样加工”、“来件装配”和“补偿贸易”业务的企业,外商投资企业,可以向本办法第三条规定的签发机构申领原产地证。

第四章 申请与签发

  第五条 申请单位应持营业执照;主管部门批准的对外贸易经营权证明文件及证明货物符合出口货物原产地标准的有关资料,向所在地签发机构办理注册手续。对申请单位在保密情况下提供的材料,应予保护。

  第六条 申请单位必须指定专人申请原产地证,申请单位的印章和申领原产地证人员姓名在申请单位注册时应进行登记。签发机构验证后给申领原产地证人员颁发“申领员证”。申领原产地证人员如有更改,申请单位应及时通知签发机构。

  第七条 已注册的含进口成分的货物,如成分有变化或加工工序改变时,申领单位应及时向签发机构申报。

  第八条 在确定货物原产地时,台湾省、香港和澳门地区的原材料、零配件暂视为进口成分。

  第九条 使用出口后未加工复进口的国产原材料,只要能提供充分证据,则视为国产成分。

  第十条 在出口货物本身及其内、外包装或说明书上,没有其他国家或地区生产的字样或标记,方可申请签发原产地证。

  第十一条 货物如在中国进行的制造工序不足,未能取得中国原产地证,可以申领“加工、装配证明书”。

  第十二条 经中国转口的外国货物,不能取得中国原产地证,但可申请转口证明书。

  第十三条 凡进口国和进口商不要求出具原产地证,也不要求出具产地证明的,出口企业不必申请原产地证,也不必出具产地证明。

  第十四条 进口方只要求制造厂或出口商在商业发票上或任何其他单证上对货物原产地作以声明的,作法如下:货物系完全原产于中国的,制造厂或出口商可以在发票或单证上备注声明;货物含有国外或境外成分的,必须到经贸部指定的签发机构申请签发原产地证,方能作原产地声明。

  第十五条 凡进口方要求由我官方机构签发一般原产地证的,申请单位应向商检局申请办理;凡进口方要求由我民间机构签发一般原产地证的,申请单位应向贸促会申请;未明确要求的,可向商检局或贸促会申请。政府间协议对原产地证的签发有特殊规定的,依照协议的规定申请;普惠制原产地证向商检局申请。

  第十六条 申请单位最迟于货物报关出运前3天向签发机构提出申请,签发机构须审核申请书内所填货物之内容及核阅其他有关文件,签发时间一般应在3个工作日内完成。

  第十七条 申请单位要求更改或补充已签发原产地证内容,必须申明更改理由和提供依据,经签发机构审查符合要求后,重新办理申请手续,收回原发原产地证,换发新证。

  第十八条 如已签发的证书遗失或损毁,从签发之日起半年内,申请单位必须向签发机构书面申明理由和提供依据,经签发机构审查同意后重新办理申请手续。签发机构在重新签发证书上注明“××年××月××日原发××号原产地证作废”。

  第十九条 签发机构通常不接受货物出运后才递交的原产地证申请。但如属特殊情况(例如并非申请单位过失),签发机构可接受迟交的申请书,并酌情办理补证。在此情况下,申请单位递交原产地证和申请书时,必须提交下列证明文件:(一)解释迟交申请书原因的函件;(二)原产地证内所列货物的商业发票副本及提货单/航空提单/邮政收据。

  第二十条 签发机构受理申请时,应审查申请单位及货物是否已经注册,同时要审核申领人员“申领员证”及申请单位提供的单证资料是否齐全,内容是否属实。对不符合规定的,应及时退还申请单位重报。

  第二十一条 签发机构有权到制造或加工申请签证货物的工厂了解货物的生产程序和货物的成分。签发机构对申领原产地证的货物有疑问时,可以到工厂进行核实,对不符合原产地标准的货物,应予拒签。

  第二十二条 进口国对我出具的原产地证退证查询时,原签发机构应负责进行调查核实,并在收到查询信函后6个月内答复进口国。

第五章 罚 则

  第二十三条 企业违反本办法,有下列行为之一的,经贸部或者经贸部根据省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外经济贸易主管部门的建议,可以区别情况通报批评、暂停直至取消其申领有关出口货物原产地证的资格:





  第二十四条 签发机构违反规定签发或无正当理由拒绝签发原产地证的;经贸部或者经贸部根据省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外经济贸易主管部门的建议,可以区别情况通报批评或者暂停其原产地证签发权。


第六章 附 则

  第二十五条 经贸部配额许可证事务局负责本局签发的政府间协议规定的原产地证的统计工作;国家商检局、中国国际贸易促进委员会负责本系统签发原产地证的统计工作;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外经济贸易主管部门负责本行政区域内根据政府间协议签发的原产地证和本地区制造厂和公司备注产地证明的商业发票和单证的统计工作;在北京的各外贸总公司、各工贸总公司负责本公司备注产地证明的商业发票和单证的统计工作。


  第二十六条 中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书及其他有关证明文件的格式,由经贸部统一规定,证书用英文印制,每套证书一证本三副本。

  第二十七条 签发机构签发原产地证等证明文件,按规定收取费用,收费办法由经贸部会同国务院有关主管部门另行制定。

  第二十八条 根据《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》第六条的规定,经贸部将另行制定和发布制造、加工工序清单。

  第二十九条 本办法自1992年5月1日起实施。

  【名称】 Provisions for the Implementation of the Rules of

the Origin forExport Goods of the People's Republic of China

  【题注】 (Promulgated on April 1, 1992)

  【章名】 Whole Doc.


Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1

  The Provisions are formulated in order to strengthen the managementof the issuing of certificates of origin for export goods from China inaccordance with the Rules of Origin for Export Goods of the People'sRepublic of China.

Article 2

  The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relation and Trade of the People'sRepublic of China exercises the unified supervision and management ofsigning and issuing certificates of origin for export goods in the wholecountry and is responsible for negotiation with foreign government andinternational organizations on the rules of origin and for signing theagreement on the rules of origin.

  The departments in charge of foreign economy and trade affairs ofprovinces, autonomous regions and cities under the direct administrationof the Central Government are responsible for coordinating the workconcerning the issuing of certificates of origin in their respectiveareas.

Chapter 2 Certificate Issuing Organizations

Article 3

  The State Administration for Inspection of Import andExportCommodities (hereinafter referred to as the State Administration forInspection of Commodities), the Import and Export Commodities Bureaus(hereinafter referred to as the CommodityInspection Bureaus) in variouslocalities, the China Council f

or the Promotion of International Trade and its branch offices (here in after referred to as the Council for the Promotion of Trade) and other organizations designated by the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade are the organizations for issuingcertificates of origin.

  The certificate issuing organizations shall submit the names, sealsand authorized signatures to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relationsand Trade, and the Ministry shall notify them to the related departmentsof foreign countries according to actual needs.

Chapter 3 Qualifications for Application

Article 4

  Enterprises established according to law within the territory of thePeople's Republic of China, enterprises enjoying the rights of conductingforeign trade, enterprises engaging in processing with supplied materialsor samples assembling with supplied parts and compensation trade and theforeign-funded enterprise

s may apply for certificates of origin to thecertificate issuing organizations according to the stipulations in Article3 of the Provisions.

Chapter 4 Application for and Issuing of the Certificates of Origin

Article 5

  Applicant units shall go through the registration procedures with the certificate issuing organizations by producing business licenses,documents granting the rights of conducting foreign trade approved by the department concerned and the relevant materials certifying that the goodsmeet the standard of the origin for export goods.

  Materials provided confidentially shall be protected.


  Applicant units shall designate special personnel to apply forcertificates of origin and the seals of applicant units and the name ofthe personnel responsible for the application shall be registered when theapplicant units file the application for registration with the certificateissuing organizations.

After the verification by the issuingorganizations, the personnel responsible for the application shall beissued with the "Certificate of Applicants". If there is any change withthe personnel responsible for applicating the certificate o

f origin, theapplicant units shall notify the certificate issuing organizations intime.

Article 7

  In case there are changes in the composition or in processingprocedures of the registered goods containing import elements, theapplicant units shall notify the issuing organizations in time.

Article 8

  In ascertaining the origin of goods, the raw materials and partsaccessories from Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao shall be deemed as importelements for the time being.

Article 9

  If the temporarily reimported domestic raw materials which areunprocessed after being exported are to be used, they shall be deemed asdomestic elements so long as enough evidence is provided.

Article 10

  Application for issuing certificates of origin can be filed for onlywhen the export goods themselves and their internal and external packagesor directions contain no words or marks denoting other countries orregions.

Article 11

  When the goods fail to obtain certificates of origin due to theinsufficient manufacture procedures in China, applications may be filedfor "Certificate of Processing and Assembling".

Article 12

  Certificates of origin shall not be issued to foreign goodsre-exported via China, but certificates for transit trade may be appliedfor.

Article 13

  If certificates of origin or certificates of place of manufacture arenot required by importing countries or importers, application for suchcertificates is not necessary.

Article 14

  If the importer only requires a statement of the origin of goods onthe commercial bills or other documents, the manufacturers or exportersmay make a statement on the invoices or vouchers if the goods are totallyoriginated in China, but they have to apply for certificates of originwith issuing organization

s authorized by the Ministry of Foreign EconomicRelations and Trade before making such statement if the goods containelements coming from foreign countries or outside the territory of China.

Article 15

  If the importer requires official certificates of origin, applicantunits shall file applications with the Commodity Inspection Bureaus; ifthe importer requires non-governmental certificates of origin, applicantunits shall file applications with the Council for the Promotion of Trade;if there is no specific requirement, applicant units may file applicationswith either the Commodity Inspection Bureaus or the Council for th ePromotion of Trade.

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